Sunday, August 18, 2024

xenomorph / aliens / romulus tribute

Drawn in celebration of the release of "Alien: Romulus",
the latest in my favorite 45 year old sci-fi horror franchise.


Saturday, August 3, 2024

Stephen King, "Night Shift" [tribute]

"And the rats - huge ones that made those on third look like dwarfs. God knew what they were eating down here. They were continually overturning boards and bags to reveal huge nests of shredded newspaper, watching with atavistic loathing as the pups fled into the cracks and crannies, their eyes huge and blind with the continuous darkness..."

- #stephenking, "Graveyard Shift"


Star Wars - Battle of Hoth

I have only very vague recollections of seeing the first Star Wars film in the theater; 
it was “The Empire Strikes Back” that had a significant impression on me, 
especially the "battle of Hoth". I'll never forget the first time I saw 
those towering AT-AT walkers appear on the horizon, and the chill of fear. 
(Now THOSE were some FX, before the age of CGI ...)

I devoted many a moment recreating that scene as a kid -- it's been a few decades, 
but thought I'd try it again. Of course, I had to throw in the Imperial Droid as well.